There are plenty of misconceptions floating around concerning preserving historic buildings, usually due to people believing blanket statements that don’t apply to every building or structure. Homeowners, property managers, and developers alike can benefit from discovering the truth behind common myths about maintaining historic properties.
Myth: Maintaining Historic Landmarks Is Always Expensive
The older a historic building or structure may be, the more daunting it may seem to maintain it—especially when it comes to the anticipated investment for maintenance costs. However, every renovation and redevelopment project is different and encompasses varying budget considerations. In fact, a full rehabilitation project could save money in the long run, making these undertakings extremely cost-effective.
Myth: Historic Sites Can’t Be Altered
Although it may seem like historic landmark designation will impose limitation after limitation for property owners, this isn’t necessarily the case. Different states have their own preservation laws and regulations, but these rules aren’t meant to restrict changes, but rather manage them. The standards outlined for respective geographic locations typically aim to preserve the most significant or defining features of a structure. It’s unreasonable to believe that every facet of the structure should remain intact, and governing bodies understand that.
Myth: Preserving Historic Sites Is a Bad Business Move
For many local communities, historic sites are a vibrant part of culture and history. In fact, data collected by The National Main Street Center, a program that supports communities throughout the country through historic preservation projects, shows that programs and projects like theirs created over 200,000 jobs. Today, many economic development projects recognize the benefits of preserving historic buildings and their positive impact on local economies.
Myth: New Construction Is Always Cheaper Than Preservation
No project is the same, and as mentioned previously, some may even offer opportunities to create new revenue. More often than not, investing in necessary upgrades is less expensive than a new construction project. In addition to paying for a brand-new foundation, finishes, and materials, there’s also the cost of demolition to consider.
The rich history of New Orleans can be found in many of the historic landmarks throughout the city, and Pascal Architects is happy to support preserving these important relics. We are an architecture firm with demonstrated experience in historic preservation and restoration. Our team of licensed professionals is ready to help serve your community today. Contact us to get started on a project.